Rust Bucket

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Random Thoughts

Here I sit thinking of what this year may bring in my life. I ended '07 with a needed toe surgery, which is causing a rather slow start to my new year. The recovery from the surgery is a little slower than I'd like, but it's in God's hands. I got a golf membership, so I'd like to get back to 100% so that I can be a bit more active. I have a lot to look forward to this year. We have decided to do a Grapes show this coming Halloween here in Atlanta. Some of us haven't played in a couple of years, so we will be having to start rehearsing soon to get our chops back. My parents decided last year to move back to the Atlanta area, and they have their house on the market. I hope it sells soon. I'll be glad to have them close by again. I discovered that I have another minor health issue that will probably require some minor surgery in the coming months ........ I hope it doesn't put me down very long. I have some projects that I am going to tackle at home this year. I plan on reading more this year. I slacked off last year because I started carpooling to work with some friends, and now I don't have that hour each morning to read on the bus. I have to make time for myself to do this. I have the two volume set of Bill Bennett's 'America The Last Best Hope', and want to dig into that. I want to begin writing my biography this year. Both my parents wrote their's a few years ago, and it made me want to do the same. I just need to get off my ass and do it. The elections are in a few months, and I pray we don't get one of these socialists in the White House. That includes all the democrat candidates, and half of the GOP. Thompson is my man, and I hope the GOP nomination comes from a brokered convention. If at least four of them stay in, it should lead to a brokered convention. We will see. If the country decides to have a socialist like Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Huckabee, or McCain lead us, then it could be the beginning of the end of our free capitalist nation. Let's hope it doesn't happen. The powers need to go back to the states, and the fedgov needs to be chopped down to size. Our founding fathers would be amazed at what has happened in the past 100 + years. Sheeeeeeesh ...................


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