Rust Bucket

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Dawn of Obamunism

Well, America, you went ahead and did it. Elected a Totalitarian Socialist to the Presidency. I am sick at my stomach this morning, and furious. Voting has become a farce in our country, as well as the entire political system. I am angry at my friends that voted for this lying idiot. They think the economy is bad now......give it a couple of years. They think unemployment is bad.....give THAT about 2 years. After Barry passes his big taxes on small businesses (which I happen to work for, and my owners voted for Barry) these company owners will not be able to afford all it's workers. We are screwed. I have lost faith in my fellow countrymen and the GOP. McCain was rammed down our throats, and look where it got us. He is a hero, but a horrible politician. We now have a man that is just fine with killing as many babies as needed to keep the potential "mothers" happy, appeasing terrorists, and throwing Israel to the wolves. I can't believe Catholics and Jews overwhelmingly voted for this guy. No Republic has ever survived much more than 200 years, so I guess America's lifespan is pretty much over. Maybe we can give it a new name ....... U.S.S.A. - United Socialist States of America. That has a real nice ring, huh? Oh, and when Barry gets his new 'Civilian National Security Force' going, maybe we can look forward to whispering in the dark because we are afraid of saying the 'wrong' things in public.
Here are my predictions for 2009.
- America is attacked
- A larger mid-east war breaks out, because our boys are pulled out
- More babies killed than ever
- Taxes go up, I lose my job
Unfortunately, I also see some white supremacist nut jobs trying, and possibly succeeding in, assassinating the President. That would be horrendous for our country.
Why did God do this to us? Are we that bad as a nation? I guess so, with all the pro-aborts, homos, and all other social miscreants being accepted as normal.
Now, I have to go to work where every employee will be gloating about 'Change'. I hope I don't get into a fist fight. I can only now hope that Barry and the democrats are such a incredible failure that people wake up and sweep them out in 2 - 4 years. Fat chance. We could be in bread lines, and these libs would never admit the mistake.
Jesus wept.


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